Scot Young Research


Offering Excellence in Cleaning since 1954:

Mopping Systems

Our state of the art Mopping Systems come including our signature Long Tall Sally buckets designed for operating at a comfortable height.

Spill Management and Safety

Our rapid response cone will help you place a safety sign and get the tools to clean out all in one. With our bespoke printing service you can even keep your brand.

Trolleys & Carts

Our trolleys are designed to save space whilst still allowing for full cleaning potential. Tailor a mobile trolley system to meet your needs today.

Handles & Mops

Our mops have SYR Interchange at their core, allowing you to swap tools with just one handle. 

Utility Products

Looking for something to help you carry or store your products? Take a look at our utility products today!

Wringer & Press

Wringer & Press


Wringer & Press is our online quarterly magazine featuring interviews with prominent members of SYR Global, upcoming events, historical segments and seasonal cleaning tips to help you make the most of your time spent cleaning. You can check out our latest issue by clicking the button below!

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